Hope Unlimited
Domestic and sexual violence agency near me serving Allen, Anderson, Neosho and Woodson counties DONATEHope Starts Here
Hope Starts Here

NOTICE CONCERNING COVID-19: Hope Unlimited prioritizes the health, safety and well-being of all we serve. We will continue to make decisions with vigilance as informed by the CDC and KDHE regulations as COVID-19 continues to evolve. Please check our Facebook page for immediate notices and information regarding our services.
Mission Statement
Hope Unlimited, Inc. is a non-profit, community based organization operated by staff and trained volunteers who provide support to victims of family violence and sexual assault. Hope Unlimited attempts to promote an understanding of the cause and effects of violence, hoping that through such understanding, such violence can be eliminated.
Our Services
Since 1984, Hope Unlimited has provided 24-hour assistance to victims of violence and abuse in southeast Kansas. We have spent 25 years working to provide shelter, victim advocacy and outreach to those in need. Through our various programs, we provide the following services to victims of family violence and sexual assault.
Emergency Shelter
The emergency shelter of Hope Unlimited operates 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to provide a safe, compassionate setting for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault.
Outreach Services
Support groups are provided as well as supportive counseling, safety planning, and related victim advocacy. The Outreach Program of Hope Unlimited includes many different services outside of the shelter.
Visitation Center
The Child Exchange and Parenting Center was created to provide children and their families with a neutral, safe and secure environment in which to conduct parental exchanges as well as court ordered supervised visitation, and other care.
Child Advocacy Center
A child focused Center where children of all ages can speak to trained professionals about allegations of child abuse. It is a special place where children can go to talk about difficult things. Referrals are then made for other services such as therapy, medical care, court advocacy and more.
If you are not in the service area, try the Statewide Emergency Hotline:
Kansas Statewide Hotline 1-888-END-ABUSE
You can speak with a Kansas hotline advocate or to the domestic violence/sexual assault program nearest you. Interpreter services are available.
Just a reminder: Email is not the best way to contact us for direct services. Please call us for assistance at (620) 365-7566.
24 hour hotline for victim assistance
Crisis Intervention Counseling
Safety Planning
Information & Referral for other resources
Goal Planning
Support Groups
Hospital Response
Court Advocacy
Give Hope
Hope Starts Here
Our services depend on donations to help meet matching requirements for grants and to build reserves for future services or emergencies. We appreciate monetary donations to help us keep our services operating. You can donate now by clicking on the “Donate” button. You can also mail a donation to Hope Unlimited, 406 North Buckeye, Iola, Kansas 66749. Or even stop by our office. We would love to visit with you about our services!