Ways of Giving
DonateWays of Giving
The services of Hope Unlimited cannot exist without the support of local communities. Grant funding comprises only a portion of the annual budget and is often restrictive in what it will fund. You can make the experience of a survivor easier by supporting Hope Unlimited in a number of ways from providing cash donations to volutneering.
We believe that everyone can “do one thing” to assist survivors. Whether it is donating dairy products to the shelter each week, dropping off a package of copy paper or becoming a volunteer….we can all Be the Hope to assist survivors and eliminate violence and abuse. What will your Hope be? Call Hope Unlimited today to get a list of current needs.
Young Philanthropist Club:
Some of our greatest givers are also some of our smallest! Anyone under 18 can participate (and we even appreciate the young at heart at any age) and young people can make a huge impact in our local communities. Some ways our younger givers can help include: making guest bags for shelter residents, collecting and donating books of stamps, organizing gift wrapping parties, donating extra change, donating time, making treats for children, collecting items needed for the programs instead of receiving birthday gifts and…..the list is endless! Call 620-365-2016 and ask for Donita or Dorothy for more information.
Volunteers have always been a vital part of the services provided by Hope Unlimited. Volunteer time is very valuable and can come in many forms from helping with special events to being on-call for shelter assistance. Volunteers make a difference in the lives of so many individuals. Examples of ways volunteers are able to assist include: being on-call, providing transportation, office assistant, tutor for shelter residents, donation organizer, furniture mover, support group leader, maintenance or repair, or any other area of expertise that can be offered.
Direct service volunteers are required to complete a 16 hour basic training and a total of 40 hours specialzed training before being activated. This includes a 4 hour overview of services and a getting to know you orientation session.
Gift Certificates:
Throughout the year, we can use gift certificates to area stores and restaurants such as: Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Sonic, A & W, Bolling’s Meat Market, Dairy Queen, Save-a-Lot, Subway, Casey’s, Taco Bell, Conoco, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Stub’s, Pizza Hut.
Hair Cut Gift Certificates:
are also needed for hair cuts from area stylists/barbers. We have also uploaded a Wish List to Amazon.com. Please visit for a fast and convenient way to donate! Browse the list provided by our volunteers or choose your own items – any type of food product is welcome as well as supplies.
We maintain a small pantry to supply the needs of the shelter. We also help those exiting the shelter by giving them at least a week’s worth of “starter” groceries to help them stock their new homes. Food insecurity is an additional stressor in times of crisis and one that we can immediately address through cooperative, community involvement.
We will help others in need of food assistance if we have sufficient items on hand. For more information on ways you can help with our food needs, please call us at 620-365-7566. Thanks to the efforts of wonderful community partners, we are able to help address local food insecurity needs.
The Shelter, Child Visitation & Advocacy Centers and office are also currently in need of:
copy paper / snacks for children / office supplies / school supplies / fresh fruits & vegetables / gas cards to help survivors get to medical or legal appointments / gift certificates for hair cuts / starter groceries for families exiting shelter / cleaning supplies / over the counter medications / powdered milk / paper plates & cups / juice boxes / Yogurt cups / healthy snacks / kleenex / sanitizer/ handi-wipes / eggs / toilet paper / batteries (all sizes) / pillows / bottled water / pancake mix / disposable razors / light bulbs / ziploc bags / body wash / zip drives / stamps / dishcloths / women’s deodorant / vacuum / brooms / dustpans / … and the list goes on

Call Our Volunteer Coordinator, for more information (620) 365-7566
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete and submit the form below